We were fortunate to be able to take the entire family to Florida to watch the GPSIII SV05 launch. Launches are fickle things, subject to all manner of technical, logistical, and most of all, weather delays. A summer launch in Florida is always iffy, but with Grandma Dani nearby, it was worth the chance to bring the boys to Florida for the week.

Lara, Grandma and the boys spent their time playing on the beach, visiting treasure hunting museums and taking in a number of other local sites. The weather was challenging to say the least. Luckily, the mornings were mostly calm, with the torrential rains coming in the afternoons.

On the planned launch day, Thursday, the skies parted and opened up a beautiful launch window that allowed us to get the satellite into orbit at the opening of the window. This also left us Friday to go play around town as a family. We went to the beach again in the morning, then did some ropes courses and a go kart track in the afternoon. Everyone had fun, but by Saturday it was time to head back home and catch some rest after a very busy week.

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