This will be another short post because although we were able to get the boys to take a nap this afternoon, it was while we were out on a walk earlier than normal because the construction work was going on again below us – it sounds like they are removing the 9th floor completely.  We sat in the shade near the statue of Lenin behind the Chernigov hotel where we’ve stayed on our previous three trips, and  only let them sleep for about 1/2 hour for fear we’d have a difficult time with our bedtime routine tonight.  We both commented on how we feel lucky we’re not here in the summer where it doesn’t get dark until much later.  Of the three rooms with curtains, the bedroom has the thinnest for letting light in (of course).

Oksana brought another set of clothes by tonight.  Our cloths are being hung to dry and therefore take two days to get back.  Fortunately we have Alex’s poop a little more under control and haven’t had to change his clothes in the middle of the day.  We handed over one more bag and then it’s laundry in Moscow.

On a warm note, I learned today that when Evan says “Mama ska” he is not saying “Mama is angry” but it’s his pet name for me (and he also says “Papa-ska”).  He first said “Mama-ska” one day while I was in the kitchen washing dishes and had to say for the 100th time “Ne troguy” (don’t touch) and that’s why I interpreted his loving name the way I did.

The outside of my right foot seems to be a magnet for little boys’ feet – that’s the only place they’ve stepped on me, I swear.  The shoulder is still weak but less painful.  I am still cautious about lifting heavy items or moving it in certain ways.  Now we are dealing with Chris with a sore throat and chills.  Olga is supposed to be in Bryansk tomorrow with another family we know from Fort Collins and can hopefully help with medicine as I brought stuff for the boys but not for us.

The boys are starting to learn to play – they are starting to build ‘domes’ (houses) with the blocks and Evan forms a line which is the ‘poiesd’ (train).  Alex even moved a small felt horse I found on top of the fridge as if it were walking on the floor.  We love to see these positives!  🙂

Yes, it will be so, so nice to be home, although we’re thinking there’s much more childproofing that we need to do – they touch, and will destroy, EVERYTHING!

Here are a few pictures from our walk today. Given that this was the first time the boys have taken a nap, they will be some “see, I told you you were there” kind of shots. See what I mean?

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I guess you initially proofed the house when you got Bacchus, and now it will
    be for boys. I hope Chris is not getting a bad cold. I see it is chilly there. Love to all of you and time will fly by and you will be heading home. Love ya Mom

  2. We’re glad to hear you’re shoulder is feeling better, Lara, and hope your toe and right foot are doing OK as well. Please take care — and that applies to Chris! With all the excitement and challenges you two have been having, I suspect you’re both more exhausted than you think and susceptable to getting sick. So we wish all of you some good rest and good health and great pleasure in your new roles as Mama-ska and Papa-ska 🙂

  3. So nice to hear something from “Mama ska”… which strikes me as something you’ll be hearing for many, many, many years to come! It would be fascinating to learn what a “literal” translation means…

    I didn’t realize there was such a “tactical” problems with the clothes… as I’d assumed the apartment would have such facilities. Then of course, what “coins” would you use…?

    I note a slight downward turn in the weather there for the next couple of days, with cooler temperatures (mid 40s to mid 60s, okay skies for tomorrow, but “cloudy and rain” on both Friday and Saturday.

    On a “world news” update (not sure if you’ve heard about it), copied from “”:
    UARS, a NASA satellite the size of a small bus, will re-enter the atmosphere later this week (somewhere between 57N and 57S). Best estimates place the re-entry time during the late hours of Sept. 23rd over a still-unknown region of Earth. “It is still too early to predict the time and location of re-entry,” says NASA. “Predictions will become more refined over the next two days.”

    The disintegration of UARS is expected to produce a fireball that could be visible even in broad daylight. Not all of the spacecraft will burn up in the atmosphere, however; according to a NASA risk assessment, as many as 26 potentially hazardous pieces of debris could be scattered along a ground track some 500 miles long. The same report puts the odds of a human casualty at 1 in 3200.

    Sure hope Christopher’s throat gets to feeling better!

    Love you guys!

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