One of the local farms held a 4-H event to showcase various farming activities to kids, including showing cows and sheep, petting ducks and chickens, and even an archery range. Archery was obviously Evan’s favorite, but there was plenty of excitement to go around. While we were petting one of the cows, another full grown cow escaped from his handlers on the way back from the show, and came running right past us. We got to watch as a group of about a dozen men and women tried to surround the cow on foot and persuade her back into her pen.
Afterward, we walked through the chicken coop, where the boys were allowed to select fresh eggs to bring home. Alex gave his back to the farmer, asking to have one of the chickens sit on it until it hatched. Evan brought his home and ate it for Sunday breakfast! It was a pretty special event for a couple of city kids…