We had a spontaneous moment yesterday as we were about town. I was planning to take the boys looking for a birthday present for Lara, when she suggested that we should consider getting the boys a pet for their upcoming birthdays. The trouble was that we didn’t know how to give them a pet as a birthday gift without leaving them with them with the impression that it would only belong to one of them. I suggested that we could give it to Lara for her birthday. She didn’t immediately shoot down the idea, so I decided to strike while the iron was hot.

We had to pick up some things from Target, and there happened to be a pet store next door that was having an adoption event. We had Lara run into Target while the boys and I went to look for Lara’s “secret” present. They had two adorable black kittens, but someone had literally adopted them minutes before. Now that the idea was in our heads, we couldn’t let go. So we drove over to another pet store, and by chance they happened to have some cats from another shelter that were available for adoption. That’s where we met Mr. McGee.

He is a black and white domestic short hair, approximately 6 months old. He seemed to have a good balance between playful energy and loving lap cat. He immediately crawled up onto Lara’s lap, and that was that. Next thing you know we were filling up a shopping cart with kitty litter and catnip toys. We were supposed to go out that evening to have a birthday dinner, but we got hit with a pretty serious snowstorm, so we decided to spend the evening at home with our new friend.

We were warned that he might want to hide under a bed for the first couple of days, but he took to the house immediately. We turned on a movie in the basement, and he snuggled right in between the boys. The look on Alex’s face when Mr. McGee put his head on Alex’s lap was priceless. He helped put the boys to bed at bedtime. He even managed to find the litter box right from the start. Now we have to do something about the furniture scratching…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I love Mr. McGee. Enjoy him. He is so cute. Love Grandma Dani

  2. I wanted to say “welcome to Mr. McGee”! Looks like Lara’s present makes a nice addition to the family! I think he’s smiling inside as big as Evan and Alex are smiling on the outside!! We look forward to meeting him 🙂 Love from Minnesota!

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